Mission Statement
Green Crescent Trust understands the importance and significance of education which is why the organization has dedicated itself to providing basic quality education to the underprivileged children of Pakistan. Just as education is essential for the upbringing of the children, ethical values and knowledge also play a major role in shaping their lives and helping them in developing a sense of responsibility, ownership, and civic responsibility so that they can grow up to be proud citizens of Pakistan. Green Crescent Trust also believes in supporting teachers and helping them in developing leadership qualities as an asset to the community.
As of now, 32,000 students are currently enrolled in our schools across Sindh. We, at Green Crescent Trust, aim to send 100,000 out-of-school children to schools by 2025.
GCT Hilal Schools to be launched
Students to be enrolled
"We are the link between donors and those who require support. Our intention has been to collect and spend in underprivileged areas. Our area of focus is education for the simple reason that nation-building is achieved through quality education. Education through books only is not our goal; we strive to make our students a healthy part of society. We do all this under the banner of Green Crescent Trust which was established in 1994. Our history is 28 years of success and celebrations. We at Green Crescent Trust make efforts to expand the schooling system in less developed areas to serve people for their bright future."